We all knew the day had to come. We just kept denying it was on the way. April 8, 2014 is the day that Microsoft will stop supporting our beloved Windows XP.
Here’s what the gang at Redmond said about the end of XP:
After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online technical content updates.
Are you ready to start wearing black and weeping? Changing Operating Systems is hard, and leaving a great operating system is especially hard. If you’re still using XP it means you’ve resisted the come-hither looks of Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. You’ve ignored the come-ons from Linux and MacOS X. And this is your reward?
What should you do now?
Ignore the change. This is always an option. You could just keep using your beloved XP and leave those new-fangled OS offerings from Redmond alone. The downside — if some bad guys find an exploit in the system you’ll have only yourself to blame.
Move to Windows 7. Seven has proven to be a great OS. Fast, stable and easy to use.
Move to Windows 8. Love it or hate it Eight is the direction Windows is heading. It may be time to jump on the boat and learn the new way now.
Non Microsoft Operating Systems. Mac OS X and Linux are powerful operating systems. They may not be ideal for your environment, but you might want to check them to know for sure.
Retire to Xanadu and never look at another computer again. Ha — like that could happen!
For more information about the End of XP, please contact us today!